(a) Genesis fifteen - nineteen 229

1) 380th vs. Genesis 15:19

The kenites and the kenizzites 144 and the kadmonites. (b) 475 / 1771 (c)

(d) four hundred seventy five 286

(e) one thousand seven hundred seventy one 419

(a) Genesis nineteen - seventeen 273

2) 475th vs. Genesis 19:17
And it came to pass, when They had brought them forth abroad, that HE said, Escape for thy life, Look not behind thee, Neither stay thou in all the plain, Escape to The Mountain, Lest thou be consumed. (b)1762 / 4162 (c)
(d)one thousand seven hundred sixty two 430

(e)four thousand one hundred sixty two 425


a + a - - -  e + e

a) 229 + 273 = 502nd vs. Gen 20:6 > 237 > 1742 / 5076
b) 475 + 1762 = 2237th vs. Exo 26:1 > 281 > 1558 / 8639

c) 1771 + 4162 = 5933rd vs. Jos 4:22 > 299 > 827 / 3144

d)286 + 430 = 716th vs. Gen 26:23 > 400 > 338 / 1071

e) 419 + 425 = 844th vs. Gen 30:13 > 277 > 718 / 4206

a)Exodus nine - nineteen 216